Learn How Bruxism Treatment In Langley, BC Can Protect Your Smile
A condition that causes people to grind or clench their teeth, bruxism can occur during the day or at night, and it often happens when people are under stress. Left untreated, it can lead to headaches, jaw pain, and damage to the teeth. In severe cases, it can even cause TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorders.
What symptoms are associated with bruxism?
Most people with bruxism do not realize they have it because it often happens during sleep. However, there are some telltale signs that may indicate bruxism is occurring. These include:
- Waking up with a headache or jaw pain
- Grinding or clenching teeth during the day
- Not being able to sleep due to teeth grinding
- Teeth that are sensitive or loose
- Damage to the inside of the cheek from teeth grinding.
What causes bruxism?
The exact cause of bruxism is not known, but there are several factors that may contribute to it. These include:
- Stress: People who are under a lot of stress may clench their teeth during the day or grind them at night.
- Anxiety: People with anxiety disorders may be more likely to develop bruxism.
- Sleep disorders: Bruxism is more common in people with sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea.
- Substance abuse: People who abuse drugs or alcohol are at increased risk for bruxism.
- Genetics: Bruxism may be more common in people who have family members with the condition.
When should you seek medical attention?
If you’re experiencing jaw pain upon waking and throughout the day, are feeling sluggish, or notice that you’re having recurrent morning and daytime headaches, you may have bruxism. Call us and we’ll assess your mouth!
Contact Forest Hills Dental Centre About Bruxism Today
- Utilize a custom-made oral appliance to prevent clenching & grinding
- Eradicate jaw pain & minimize tooth damage
- Eliminate daytime headaches and sluggishness
- Improve your quality of life
- Prioritize your oral and overall health!