We’ll Help You Eradicate Bad Breath Issues

At Forest Hills Dental Centre in Langley, we know that bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be embarrassing and frustrating. Thankfully, our experts are here to help!

What Causes Bad Breath?

It can be caused by a number of things, including food choices, tobacco use, gum disease, and more. And while there are many over-the-counter treatments available, it's important to consult with us to determine the underlying cause of the issue to receive the most effective and expedient treatment.

How is Bad Breath Treated?

There are various treatment options but determining the cause of bad breath is key. Should gum disease be the cause, you may be able to eradicate the issue with diligent brushing and flossing, as well as more frequent professional cleanings. If food choices are the cause, you may be advised to avoid certain foods or to brush and floss more frequently. We may also suggest that you utilize bacteria-fighting mouthwashes, drink more water, or implement other lifestyle habits to eradicate bad breath issues.

When Should You See a Dentist or Doctor About Bad Breath?

If you or those close to you start to notice that you’re experiencing ongoing issues with bad breath, contact us. We’ll arrange an appointment to evaluate your symptoms and determine the underlying cause of the issue and make any necessary treatment recommendations.

Have questions or are you interested in having us assess your oral health? Call us today!

Contact Forest Hills Dental Centre About Bad Breath Treatment Today

  • We’ll help determine the cause of your bad breath
  • Learn how to effectively care for your mouth to prevent issues
  • Feel more confident in social interactions
  • Improve your self-esteem
  • Prioritize your oral health!

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